74th Independence Day Freedom is not a mere matter of political decision or new constitutions....it is of the mind and heart. If the mind narrows itself and is befogged with a heart full of bitterness and hatred, freedom is absent. -Jawaharlal Nehru Mark these words because we should be extremely proud to say that we live in an Independent country not only democratically but also by the wonderful people our motherland treasures.You'd be wondering why, but just think of that plane crash in our state and the immense contribution of the native people to rescue the breathes of fellow beings by risking their own lives. The way our health workers, police department and each person contributing and struggling in their own ways to uphold our country during this devastating epidemic is simply another feather to the crown.This should definitely be a milestone in our patriotic hearts as we try to buttress and respect the lives of each person in trouble. It is almost 73 years since India fr...
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